
Autodesk Inventor API – Introduction

A while back, in a post titled “Experts Wanted“, I invited the readers of this blog to contribute to it. The idea of opening this blog to readers was to get them to express their opinions and share their experiences not just in comments, but also in the posts by giving them an opportunity to write about something that matters to them. I believe blogs are much better than other traditional forms of media when it comes to communication because they are two way streets. Readers can immediately comment and exchange views with the author and other readers. Obviously, much better than writing a letter/email to the editor and wait/hope for it to get selected to be published in the next issue of the publication, whenever that may be. Like all blogs, this blog has fostered many discussions and debates, and not always initiated by me.

A few readers expressed interest in contributing to this blog and I have been working with them. One such reader is Allen Gager and he will be writing a series on the Autodesk Inventor API. If you wish to contribute to this blog click the link titled “Contribute to Deelip.com” on the right side bar to see how we can make that happen.

Allen Gager is a design engineer and CAD manager with A. T. Ferrell Company, Inc.  He has over twenty years experience using and customizing Autodesk products in a production environment, designing products in 3D since 1997.  He has a proven record of accomplishment streamlining the design process.  He has authored numerous custom Autodesk Inventor applications that can be found in use throughout the world.  Allen is a popular Indiana AMUG User Group speaker, AUGI national Inventor Instructor and an Autodesk University veteran speaker.  Allen develops Inventor training material for CADLearning by 4D Technologies and is an Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional.  Allen is the Manufacturing Solutions Division Technical Editor for AU Tech Talk and was selected as Autodesk’s Inventor of the Month for August 2009. Allen reached approximately five million listeners during his national Autodesk Radio Tour in 2009 delivering the message, “Being Inventive”. You can find his work showcased on the family of Autodesk Vault 2010 products. If you need to contact Allen, his email address is a (dot) gager (at) live (dot) com.

Needless to say Allen is just the kind of expert that I was looking for. The next post will be Part 1 of Allen’s series on the Autodesk Inventor API.

Allen Gager